GeoServer: ImageMosaic Data Store

This post will cover creating an ImageMosaic data store with GeoServer.

If you have image files prepared, you can skip the “Prepare Files” section below.

Prepare files

We will use the London GeoTIFF image from PlanetSAT geospatial-data-samples to create our mosaic.

Create new directory ‘london’ in your GeoServer data/data directory.

su - tomcat
cd /home/tomcat-version/webapps/geoserver/data/data
mkdir london
cd london
rm -f 

Now, still in our ‘london’ directory, let’s use gdal to create our tiles:

mkdir tiles -v -r bilinear -levels 1 -ps 512 512 -co "TILED=YES" -co "COMPRESS=JPEG" -targetDir tiles PlanetObserver_PlanetSAT_10m_UK_London_UTM30.tif

After this we can remove the large TIFF file. 

Note: is part of the gdal-bin package in Ubuntu.

Create a Workspace

We’ll create a workspace, called “mosaic” as below.

Optional: Use PostGIS

The ImageMosaic plugin generates a shape file for use with the Mosaic.

If we wish to store this information in a PostGIS database, we can do so by adding a file to the Mosaic directory.

You will need an existing PostGIS database or to create a database (it will not be created for you).

The contents of the file should look as below.
Loose\ bbox=true
Estimated\ extends=false
validate\ connections=true
Connection\ timeout=10

Create the Data Store

Go to Data / Stores/ Add New

Click on ImageMosaic in Raster Data Sources

Select our workspace (mosaic) and enter “london” as store name

Browse to the $MOSAIC_DIR/ as URL.

Click OK and then click Save

Create a New Layer

Go to Data / Layers / Add a new layer

Select the mosaic:london entry

Click on Publish.

You will be taken to the “Edit Layer” menu, where you can change some parameters.

You can edit various layer properties, as title, abstract, etc. In “Coverage Parameters” you can set ‘Multithreaded granule loading’, if you have multi-core CPU.

When ready, click the Save button.

View the Mosaic

Go to Data / Layer Preview

Find the “mosaic:london” in Name column. You can use the search box on top

Click on OpenLayers to view it. You can zoom in/out and move around the map.

You can learn more about the ImageMosaic Data Store at: