Mod Images
Please refer to the cPanel Mod Sturcture for file locations below.
To change the cPanel images, update the following images located located in /coffeecp_master/ directory
- jdk.png
- mapping.png
- power.png
- version.png
Once they are updated, register the changes by running the required mod commands below:
1. As root, change to the /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/ directory, issue the following
cd /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/
2. Create the updated tar
tar cfj coffeecp_master.tar.bz2 coffeecp_master
3. Register the update
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/install_plugin /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/coffeecp_master.tar.bz2
- /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lanterncpanel mod directory
- coffeecp_mastermaster mod directory
- jdk.pngjdk module icon
- mapping.pngmapping module icon
- power.pngpower module icon
- version.pngversion module icon
- install.jsoncontains names and images
- myhosting_versionmain version directory
- version page
- app install file
- version.pngversion icon
- myhosting_managemain version directory
- stop/start/resart page
- power.pngversion icon
- myhosting_mappingmain mapping module
- page
- mappath.phpmain mapping file
- exmappath.phpmain mapping file
- mapping.pngmapping icon
- myhosting_jdkjdk selection module
- selection page
- jdk.pngjdk icon
- coffeecp_staticDo NOT Change Name. Any changes in this folder will break installation
- Coffeecp_Manage.php.phpmanagement functions
- Coffeecp_Map.phpmapping functions
- Coffeecp_Server.phpserver functions
- twg_users.phpjava admin config
- phpseclib1.0.4secure ssh library
- coffeecp_mastermaster mod directory