Omeka Leaflet Studio
Our Omeka Leaflet Studio is a map creation, editing, and management application using Leafletjs.
The Studio contains a number of features not included in the stand-alone plugin, such as Sliding InfoBoxes, Legend, Image Overlays, Marker Clustering, SVG, and other features.
It also allows you to add users, create Projects, and collaborate on maps.
Using our Omeka Studio Plugin, you can import and display the maps you have create into your Omeka installation.
You can see some examples here.
In addition to importing maps into your Omeka Installation, you can also download maps directly from the Studio as HTML files, json files, Bootstrap Application, or iframe code for use on non-Omeka projects.
The Omeka Studio Plugin imports maps via a single, SSL API call.
Since you will likely want to update, as well as add and delete maps from your installation, you can do so via the plugin using the Import, Refresh, and Delete buttons. Â Deleting a map from your Omeka installation does not delete it from the studio.
You will find detailed documentation below.
Getting Started
Login to Studio
Manage Profile
Map Creation
Create a Map (Quick Start)
Setting Map Options
Selecting Base Layers
Adding New Layers
Base Layer Groups
Creating New Base Layer Groups
Marker Options
Polygon Options
Line Options
Importing KML, GeoJSON, and GPX
InfoSlider, IntroBox, and Legend
Image Overlays
Adding an Image Overlay
Overlay Resources
Playback, D3, and SVG
Create Playback Map
Create D3 Map
SVG Maps
Table-Based Maps
Uploading CSV
CSV Options
Updating CSV
Managing Users
Create New User
Edit Users
Delete Users
Projects and Collaboration
Create a Project
Assign Maps to Project
Invite Users to Projects
Social Share Maps
Sharing Maps on Social Media
Sharing Maps via Email