Enterprise Reporting
A complete Reporting and Mapping Solution.
A complete Reporting and Mapping Solution.
Prepare your Jasper Reports using JasperSoft Studio.
Multi-user Jasper Publisher allows you easily publish, schedule, and email reports as well as run reports on-demand.
Integrated QWC2 and R for complete Mapping and Visualization.
Jasper Report Publisher supports Jasper Reports, QGIS Maps (QWC2), and Common R Apps
Publish, schedule, email, and run reports on demand.
Group Level Report Permissions.
Jasper Report Publisher - publish, schedule, email, and on-demand reporting.
QWC2 brings the full power of QGIS for your Maps..
As a world-leading provider of GIS hosting, you can have confidence in extending your services.
Jasper Report Publisher supports Jasper Reports, QGIS Maps, and Common R Apps
Configure your resources and hosting location below. You can change your hosting package at any time.
Have additional questions? Contact us!
Field Data Express works with QFieldCloud, Mergin Maps, and ArcGIS Survey123. QFieldCloud and Mergin Maps can be either self-hosted or using qfieldcloud.com or merginmaps.com. We also offer optional dedicated QFieldCloud and Mergin Maps server hosting as an add-on.
Your maps can be accessed via your portal. The portal is setup using your domain or sub domain. Users you create have access to only those maps you specifiy. Maps can also be Public. You can also share maps via secure link with time and use specified duration.
Yes, your map portal is fully customizabale.
Yes. When you add your Project to your dashboards you have the options of using a local database or a remote database. Local databases are also accessible remotely as well.
Yes. You can change your plan at any time.