Just add your QGIS project and start the Sync service.
No additional plugins or configuration required.
PostGIS Sync
Your Mobile and QGIS data is syncronized to PostGIS.
Image Sync
Your images are available via CDN
No extra plugins to install
Requires only QFieldCloud or Mergin Maps plugin
Multi User Security
Delgate Projects to users if you wish to
QFieldCloud, Mergin Maps or Survey123
Works with QFieldCloud, Mergin Maps or Survey123
GeoPackage Versioning
Your GeoPackages are saved and can be downloaded
Synchronize 1-2-3
Start Synchronizing your Mobile data to PostGIS in just minutes.

1. Add Your QGIS Project
Just add your QGIS Project and select the frequency to sync data..

2. Select PostGIS Type
A PostGIS database is automatically created.
Or, you can use your own remote databases.

3. Your Data is Synchronized
Your Mobile data is now automatically syncronized to PostGIS.

Your Data is always up to date
No matter where you use your PostGIS data, it is now always up to date.

Using GeoServer or GeoNode?
You can automatically create PostGIS Stores from your Quartz Sync dashboard.
GeoSync: Powerful, Simple to Use
GeoSync works with QFieldCloud, Mergin Maps, and Survey123. All hosting is provided on a dedicated VM with custom domain and SSL. Your choice of hosting 18 locations worldwide. Change plans at any time.
GeoSync 1
- Choice of 18 Hosting Locations
- GeoSync Server
- QfieldCloud, Mergin Maps, and Survey123
- 25 GB NVMe SSD
- PostGIS Latest
- Dedicated VM
- Custom Domain with SSL
GeoSync 2
- Choice of 18 Hosting Locations
- GeoSync Server
- QfieldCloud, Mergin Maps, and Survey123
- 75 GB NVMe SSD
- PostGIS Latest
- Dedicated VM
- Custom Domain with SSL
GeoSync 3
- Choice of 18 Hosting Locations
- GeoSync Server
- QfieldCloud, Mergin Maps, and Survey123
- 150 GB NVMe SSD
- PostGIS Latest
- Dedicated VM
- Custom Domain with SSL