PDAL and Pointcloud

PDAL and Pointcloud

We are pleased to announce that PDAL and Pointcloud are now available on all PostGIS and GIS hosting plans.

Both Pointcloud and Pointlcoud-PostGIS can be installed in one click via your control panel (as shown below).


PDAL is available via SSH (along with GDAL).  We will be looking to add some PDAL UIs to our control panel shortly as well.

If you have any questions, please raise a support ticket and we are here to assist.

Learn more about PDAL:  https://www.pdal.io/

Learn more about pg_pointcloud: https://github.com/pgpointcloud/pointcloud




PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostGIS 2.3.0!

PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostGIS 2.3.0!

PostgreSQL 9.6 was released today and, in keeping with our commitment to offer the latest, stable builds, PostgreSQL 9.6 is now available on all hosting plans!

Additionally, PostGIS 2.3 is now available on all hosting plans as well.




If you have any questions, raise a support ticket and we are here to assist!



GeoServer GDAL Extension Installer

GeoServer GDAL Extension Installer

In our ongoing commitment to “making GIS simple”, we have now added a GeoServer GDAL Extension installer to your control panel.

Simply click on the GDAL icon and then click “install”.

We have pushed the new GDAL installer to our newest nodes and will have available on all nodes over the coming 24 hours.

The installer is included free with all GeoServer and GeoServer related hosting (i.e. Neatline hosting,Cartaro hosting, etc…)

If you have any questions or issues, please raise a support ticket and we are here to assist.

GeoServer Extension Installer

GeoServer Extension Installer

In our ongoing commitment to “making GIS simple”, we have now added a GeoServer Extension installer in your control panel.

Simply select the extension you wish to install from the drop-down menu and click “install”.

We have pushed the new installer to our newest nodes and will have available on all nodes over the coming 24 hours.

The installer is included free with all GeoServer and GeoServer related hosting (i.e. Neatline hosting, Cartaro hosting, etc…)

If you have any questions or issues, please raise a support ticket and we are here to assist.