AcuGIS Enterprise Suite

AcuGIS Enterprise Suite

We are excited to announce the release of AcuGIS Enterprise Suite

The Enterprise Suite is based upon our experiences in providing GIS Hosting services, as well as feedback and suggestions from customers.

The Enterprise Suite provides a complete Open Source GIS solution without locking in users.

The Suite also includes Canvas

Canvas can be used to create maps from multiple data sources as well as virtually any WMS data source.

In keeping with our philosophy of providing fair and transparent pricing, the Enterprise Suite starts at only $55 per month.

To learn more AcuGIS Enterprise suite, visit



To learn more about Canvas, visit:


PDAL and Pointcloud

PDAL and Pointcloud

We are pleased to announce that PDAL and Pointcloud are now available on all PostGIS and GIS hosting plans.

Both Pointcloud and Pointlcoud-PostGIS can be installed in one click via your control panel (as shown below).


PDAL is available via SSH (along with GDAL).  We will be looking to add some PDAL UIs to our control panel shortly as well.

If you have any questions, please raise a support ticket and we are here to assist.

Learn more about PDAL:

Learn more about pg_pointcloud:




PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostGIS 2.3.0!

PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostGIS 2.3.0!

PostgreSQL 9.6 was released today and, in keeping with our commitment to offer the latest, stable builds, PostgreSQL 9.6 is now available on all hosting plans!

Additionally, PostGIS 2.3 is now available on all hosting plans as well.


If you have any questions, raise a support ticket and we are here to assist!