Did you know you can create WMS and other OGC Web Services directly from your GeoTIFF and Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) files with Quail
Quail: QGIS Layer Server
Quail is our Open Source Layer Server for QGIS Server.
Quail let’s you easily publish your QGIS Projects as OGC Web Services.
Just upload your QGIS Project along with any associated Raster, Vector, and static files.
You can also publish QGIS Projects that use PostGIS data sources as well.
Quail is built with pure PHP and Bootstrap 5, making it lightweight and easy to install and customize.
Download Quail on Github: https://github.com/AcuGIS/quail
Documentation: https://quail.docs.acugis.com/en/latest/index.html

Lizmap 3.8.1 Available
Lizmap 3.8.1. has been released. You can learn more at:
As with all stable releases it will be used in provisioning new accounts.
QuartzMap 2.1.0 is now Open Source
QuartzMap Web Client is now Open Source with the release of version 2.1.0
QuartzMap Web Client allows you to transform your qgis2web projects into secure, dynamic maps.
- QuartzMap Web Client Features:
- Publish Using qgis2web Plugin
- Private and Public Maps
- Connect Layers to PostGIS
- Connect Layers to GeoServer
- QGIS Print Layouts (or basic Browser Print)
- Advertise WMS, WFS, WMTS, etc…
- Customizable Portal
- Users and Groups
- Map Level permissions
- Multi-User Portal
- Optional self-registration
- Publish qgis2threejs (Static Only)
QuartzMap requires only a LAPP stack, 1 GB of RAM, and 5 GB Disk.
We also offer professional hosting services as well: