PgRouting 2.0 Now Available

PgRouting 2.0 Now Available

PgRouting 2.0 is now available on all hosting plans!

Install PgRouting in one-click via your control panel with with our exclusive installer.

PgRouting 1.0 will still be available via your control panel as well.

Clone PostgreSQL Database

You can now clone your production databases in one click with our new PostgreSQL Clone feature. Simply log into your control panel and click the “PostgreSQL Clone” icon.

Select the database you wish to clone and an exact copy will be created!

Database clones (or “forks”) are ideal for development, testing, version control, and other uses.

This feature is included free on all PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GeoServer, Drupal, and Django hosting packages.

shp2pgsql Tool

Our new shp2pgsql tool has been released.

The new shp2pgsql tool allows you to load your shape files into your database via your control panel.

The tool has a number of shp2pgsql import options, with more to be added soon.

You can still load your shape files via remote connection or command line as well.

New PostgreSQL Snapshots

One-click PostgreSQL Snapshots have been added to your control panel.

Now, In addition to our daily, weekly, and monthly PostgreSQL backups, you can create your own backups in one click.

Snapshots create a backup in both Plain Text and Custom formats.

Your Snapshots are also stored on our remote server along with scheduled backups, so you can access your Snapshots at any time via our new panel.

You can also restore Snapshots in one click!

As with scheduled backups, on-demand backups do NOT count against your disk space allotment.