Command Line and PSQL
Below are some basic commands you may use via command line.
2. Start, Stop, or Restart PostgreSQL
service postgresql start | stop | restart
3. Connect to PostgreSQL
$ su - postgres
$ psql
If you set a password for postgres, you will be prompted for it here.
4. Connect to a database
# \c database
5. Install Extension
# \c database
# create extension "hstore";
6. List Tables:
# \dt
7. Describe Table:
# \d
8. Change User Password:
# alter user username with password 'newPassword';
9. List Schema:
# \dn
10. List Users:
# \du
11. Load SQL File:
psql -W -U user -H host < file.sql
12. Dump Database to File:
pg_dump -W -U user -h host db_name < file.sql